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A majority of donor-conceived people do not support anonymous donation

  • 95% believe it is wrong for parents of donor conceived children to keep their child’s method of conception a secret from their child
  • 86% do not support the use of anonymous donor eggs or sperm to conceive a child.
  • 91% of respondents believe sperm banks do not adequately understand or respect the emotional needs of donor conceived people.
  • Respondents were also strongly in favor of a limit on how many offspring a donor produces. When asked how many offspring would be appropriate, the majority selected “fewer than five”.
  • The survey also reveals that Donors (and donor siblings) are significant.
    • 65% of respondents agree with the statement “My donor is half of who I am”.
    • 94% indicated they often wonder what personality traits, skills, and/or physical similarities they share with their donor.
    • 96% said they would like to know how many donor siblings they have, and a strong majority indicated they are open to forming a relationship with their donor (87%) or donor siblings (96%).
  • UK, Australia, Austria, Sweden, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and others have introduced a mandate that supports the right to the offspring to know their biological parent. The identity of known donors ensures the availability of the medical background of the donor.

How can I support my donor-conceived child?

As your child gets older, they may ask questions about their biological origins. 

  • Lead with the truth

    Answer all their questions in an age-appropriate manner. Parents of younger children may read them books with donor-conceived characters. 

  • Love creates families

    The donor is half of their genetics, but parents are the people who love and raise a child. 

  • Be supportive

    Welcome your child's curiosity and avoid dismissing their questions. Know that their interest in their biological origins shift as they grow. 


What is the Lucina Scale?

Everyone has a different vision for what their family will look like. The Lucina Scale indicates the level of engagement which donors and intended parents desire. Not just a matching tool, the Lucina Scale helps set expectations from the start. It translates to a communication agreement between the donor, parents, and the child.

Babies are people, too.

Lucina was conceived with children in mind.


We summarize the latest research findings about donor-conceived children accessible. We continue to update families with on-going studies.


Lucina helps protect parents, donors, and children by helping them create an agreement ahead of time based on


Our platform serves as a liaison between donors and recipients. If parents wish, they can facilitate communication for their children.